If you, or your parents, are a senior citizen and struggling with high utility bills, there may be help available. In this month’s “Age Well Tennessee,” the experts from Senior Benefit Inc. and the East Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability offer details on the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and other opportunities to save money.
Age Well Tennessee
Sponsored by Senior Benefit Inc
In this month’s Age Well Tennessee, with Nick Keene, Managing Director of Senior Benefit Inc, and Special Guest Speakers: Aaron Bradley, Director of East Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability. State Senator, Becky Duncan Massey,
With Nick Keene, Managing Director of Senior Benefit Inc, and Special Guest Speakers Aaron Bradley, Director of East Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability, and David Rausch, Director of Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
With Nick Keene, Managing Director of Senior Benefit Inc, and Special Guest Speaker Aaron Bradley, Director of East Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability

The map above is divided into districts that define area agencies, or the AAADs, the Area Agencies on Aging and Disability. These agencies plan and provide programs and services for older Tennesseans, as well as those with disabilities. Each area is numbered and colored to match the section of the list below that contains the contact information for your county. This is a great place to start if you are looking for services in your area.
Call 1-866-836-6678 from anywhere in the state to be automatically directed to your nearest Area Agency.